Embark on a captivating journey around the globe with the beautifully illustrated book penned by bestselling poet and author Laura Mucha, in collaboration with acclaimed cookbook author Ed Smith. This delightful book explores the diverse culinary experiences of children from different corners of the world. From pasta in Italy to passionfruit in the tropics, baguettes in France to biryani in India, and ramen in Japan to rambutan in Southeast Asia, a vast array of dishes and delicacies await discovery.
Young readers will be enthralled as they learn about the breakfast, lunch, and dinner traditions in various countries, unravel the origins of our food, and delve into the rich stories, cultures, and traditions that shape our culinary experiences. With the masterful illustrations of award-winning artist Harriet Lynas adorning every page, this unique and heartwarming book not only imparts knowledge but also fosters understanding, empathy, and respect for diverse experiences, cultures, and traditions.