Buntús Foclóra is full of valuable learning opportunities for children of various ages and backgrounds. Young Irish speakers will enjoy looking at the pictures and discussing what they see. For English speakers, it is a perfect opportunity to acquire a basic Irish vocabulary. Young pupils will learn new words by associating them with pictures.
Leabhar d’ógfhoghlaimeoirí Gaeilge is ea Buntús Foclóra. Tá sé breaclán de dheiseanna foghlama don aos óg. Tig le Gaeilgeoirí óga breathnú ar na pictiúir agus labhairt faoina bhfeiceann said. Tig le Béarlóirí óga buntús taitneamhach a chur lena bhfoclóirín Gaeilge. Tig leis le foghlaimeoirí óga focal nua a fhoghlaim i gcomhthéacs na bpictiúr.
For Parents
If your child is beginning to learn Irish, be it at an Irish- or English-medium school, Buntús Foclóra gets them off to a great start. This children’s picture dictionary has been specifically designed so that parents can use it with their children, with a picture for every word to aid comprehension.