'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler translated as Gaeilge.
This rhyming picture book reads as if it was originally written in Irish such is the skill of the translator, Gabriel Rosenstock. When some interesting characters want to ride on the witch's broomstick it collapses under their weight. Disaster looms when Donncha Dragan casts his fiery breath in her direction. Luckily her resourceful friends come to her assistance again and scare off the dragon. In due course she says the magic words and a state-of-the-art broomstick appears which bears them all off into the night sky.
Bhí cat ag an gCailleach – Cailleach an Hata – Ní srón a bhí uirthi ach saghas éigin fata! Bhí an cat ag crónán is ag gáire go baoth. Seo chugainn ar an scuab iad ag teacht ar an ngaoth!
Follow the adventures of the witch, her cauldrom, her broom, her hat and her cat!