"This book is the perfect way to convey to every child just how treasured and adored they are. With gentle rhymes and enchanting illustrations, On The Night You Were Born beautifully captures the immense love and elation experienced with the arrival of a new baby.
On the night you made your debut, you brought awe and enchantment to the world. The moon lingered, refusing to set till morning, while polar bears joyously danced.
This book is a heartfelt celebration of you, painting a captivating portrait of the natural world as various animals come together to greet its newest member.
Presented in a durable board book, just the right size for little hands to grasp, this profoundly touching story by Nancy Tillman has resonated with readers of all ages. From the tiniest tots to new moms, young friends to grandparents, On the Night You Were Born has left an indelible mark. As a New York Times bestseller, it's certain to become a cherished addition to every family's book collection."