"Monkey Puzzle" is a delightful picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, the acclaimed creators of "The Gruffalo." In this heartwarming tale, a little monkey finds himself lost in the jungle and is desperately trying to find his mummy.
Throughout his journey, he encounters a friendly butterfly who is eager to help. However, despite their best efforts, they keep mistaking other animals for Monkey's mummy. It seems like a wild goose chase until they eventually find... Monkey's dad! Luckily, Monkey's dad knows exactly where to find his missing mummy, and a heartwarming reunion follows.
This beautifully illustrated book is not only a charming story of a lost and found but also an exploration of the parent-child bond. With its clever and humorous narrative, "Monkey Puzzle" is a favorite among children and parents alike, perfect for bedtime reading or any time you want to share a heartwarming story together.