Fundraiser for humanitarian aid in Gaza
We have all seen some of the harrowing footage from Gaza of late. Genius Juniors previously raised over €5000 for the victims of the war in Ukraine and, as I can’t bear to stand back and watch any longer while doing nothing, I am asking for your help to do something for innocent victims please. Even if it is only a drop in the ocean relative to what is needed, it will help a child who really needs it.
This is for the beautiful, innocent children who suffer beyond our wildest nightmares and did absolutely nothing to deserve it. The image used on this fundraiser is brutal and difficult to deal with but it is the reality of this heinous situation. Those precious babies deserved love and safety and this horrible world has failed them.
I know that prizes are probably unnecessary to incentivise most people to donate but just in case they do help to encourage more donations please see the list of prizes below from Genius Juniors and a whole host of other wonderful Irish businesses. I am so thankful to these businesses and I ask that you please support them in turn in future (by shopping with them, following them, etc).
Each ticket costs €5 and each one is an entry to the raffle. You can, of course, buy as many as you like.
1. Genius Juniors €250 voucher
2. Genius Juniors - Little People Big Dreams 50 story treasury - to represent wonderful people around the world who made meaningful change
3. Freddie & Millie Toys €50 voucher
4. The Wishing Line €50 voucher (wall prints)
5. Duffy & Porter €50 voucher
6. Mummy Cooks €50 voucher
7. BabyBoo €50 voucher
8. Accesories 4 Babies - My Feeding Plate, My Feeding Pal and My Feeding Bib
9. PlayEasy by @speakeasyslt - PlayEasy stacking blocks and PlayEasy Dice
10. The Babbling Bookclub €30 voucher
11. Tickle Tribe Bamboo blanket
13. Duffy’s Toyworld €50 voucher
14. SoapSisters Hamper
15. Toys and Games €30 mystery toy box
16. Fussy Food Plate
17. Voduz/Pelo voucher
18. The Cool Food School
19. Alphabet Jigsaw -Dinosaur Alphabet Jigsaw
20. Three Little Bird’s illustration - The Girl And Dog book, tote bag, mug, multipack of cards and the 2024 calendar
21. Wonderbubz - Minimonkey sling worth €45
* some prizes from Ukraine raffle had not been distributed so are being offered now for this raffle and everyone who entered that will also be automatically entered in this raffle.
Excerpt from Irish Red Cross website-
‘Please support the Irish Red Cross Urgent Appeal for the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza.
Your support will enable the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement efforts to provide food, shelter, water, and medical aid to those in urgent need.
The devastation and escalation of hostilities in Gaza are taking a deadly toll on thousands of men, women, and children throughout the region.
Mass displacement continues with a staggering number of people forced to flee while thousands of others, including the disabled, elderly, and sick, are trapped within the immediate conflict area. Access to water, food, and sanitation are extremely limited. Medical facilities are under enormous pressure with many struggling to provide care due to shortages of supplies and energy.
The humanitarian need in Gaza is immense and growing by the hour.’