The tenth classic tale and Christmas special from Enid Blyton's magical Faraway Tree series, with exciting new full-colour illustrations from Alex Paterson – perfect to read aloud or for newly independent readers aged 7-9. And a wonderful Christmas gift!
When Joe is whisked up to the Land of Ice and Snow, he meets a rather bossy snowman, who is determined to make Joe his servant! Can Moon-Face, Frannie and Beth rescue Joe, with the help of their new friends, Goldilocks and the Three Bears?
The perfect wintery Christmas book for kids from 5 years olds, 6 year olds, 7 year olds, 8 year olds and every age you can think of for any Enid Blyton fan!
The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton has been entertaining readers for more than 75 years. Now these colour short stories offer a great way for a whole host of new younger readers to discover the adventures of Silky, Moon-Face, the Saucepan Man and all of their friends in the Enchanted Wood.