"Mind Magic" by Keith Barry is an inspiring book for children, drawing on the author's expertise as a renowned brain-hacker and mentalist. Keith shares his skills, which have been featured in numerous international television shows, to empower young readers with valuable life lessons and strategies.
The book weaves together Keith's personal stories from his childhood with practical tips and techniques to help kids develop a winning mindset, boost their mental strength, enhance confidence, learn to adapt and overcome setbacks, and unlock their full potential. It offers adapted insights from Keith's bestselling book for adults, "Brain Hacks," tailored to a younger audience.
"Mind Magic" provides tools and strategies to help children gain the confidence to speak up at school, improve their concentration for better test performance, and cultivate a winning mindset for success in various areas, including sports. Keith shares his tried-and-tested tips and tricks to help young readers achieve their goals and thrive in different aspects of their lives. It's a resource that encourages personal growth and resilience in children.