Scout, Daisy, and their dad are embarking on an exciting holiday adventure, leaving Gran behind to take care of their beloved cat. Scout, being the thoughtful traveler, promises to send the cat a postcard from each place they visit across Ireland. But amidst all the incredible destinations they explore, which day will stand out as the absolute BEST?
From the majestic landscapes of Donegal to the vibrant city of Cork, and from the awe-inspiring Giant's Causeway to the lively shores of Salthill, Scout's journey takes them to remarkable places. They climb the iconic Sugar Loaf, leave their mark on an archaeological dig in County Meath, enjoy the beauty of Fitzgerald Park in Cork, and even experience the bustling energy of Grafton Street and Trinity College in Dublin. And as if that's not enough, they even manage to make their way onto the hallowed grounds of Thomond Park in Limerick! Join Scout and his family on this thrilling adventure across Ireland as they discover which day will become the unforgettable BEST.