Come along on an adventure with Superpoop, the beloved superhero of bathroom antics, as he confronts his most significant challenge yet...
Ever since becoming a member of the League of Superheroes, Superpoop has bravely handled all of the town's toilet-related woes on his own.
However, when the mayor entrusts him with guarding the priceless Egyptian Golden Toilet Brush at the museum, Superpoop realizes it's high time to enlist a sidekick to assist with these messy tasks.
Superpoop announces the search for a reliable, odor-resistant companion unafraid of tackling the less glamorous tasks. Will he discover the ideal partner to share the load, or will he continue to wage war against the city's plumbing all by himself?
This uproarious and slightly chaotic toilet adventure is a fantastic read for youngsters (and parents) who appreciate a dash of potty humor! Brought to you by the creators of 101 Bums, the recipient of the Lollies' Best Laugh Out Loud Picture Book award for 2022