In "The Trooping Fairies," the whimsical Trooping Fairies descend upon Clonbridge for their lively revels, stirring up mischief and chaos wherever they go. Their playful antics awaken other mischievous creatures, all with tricks up their sleeves for Halloween. Amidst the revelry, Cat Donnelly and her friends are devising the perfect trick-or-treating plan for the spooky season.
However, as the Fairies weave their magical mayhem in town, Cat realizes that this Halloween will be no ordinary night. To ensure the safety of her family and navigate through the chaos, she must summon all her courage and wit. Join Cat as she embarks on an extraordinary Halloween adventure, filled with surprises, magic, and the true spirit of this bewitching holiday. Get ready for a tale of bravery, cleverness, and the triumph of the Halloween spirit.