A charming tale about a pair of magpies embarking on the quest to build the perfect nest for their precious eggs. The story begins with Meg and Ash using the typical materials of mud, sticks, and grass for their nest construction. However, their adventure takes a humorous turn when they become convinced that their nest needs more "stuff."
The magpies' insatiable desire for an ever-expanding collection leads them to gather a wide array of items, ranging from cuckoo clocks and mops to socks, a pram, and even a car. The whimsical narrative unfolds as Meg and Ash's nest becomes a fascinating assortment of eclectic objects, showcasing the humorous lengths to which they go in their pursuit of the perfect nest.
The story takes a comedic twist when the inevitable happens – a crash! This unexpected turn of events serves as a humorous lesson about the consequences of excess and the importance of simplicity. Through the mishap, Meg and Ash come to realize that perhaps their initial mud, sticks, and grass were all they needed for a cozy and secure nest.